Monday, July 27, 2009

Friend or Mistake?

"When a friend makes a mistake, the friend remains a friend, and the mistake remains a mistake."
-Shimon Peres

How much time and effort do you think is required to substitute lousy 2-way Black & White solutions such as: "Either diminish the friendship because of mistake(s), or ignore the mistake(s) for the sake of friendship" with a profound one as a third solution: "Keep the friendship as it is, AND admit/correct the mistake(s)"? What's the required level of maturity held by two friends that enables them to find (or at least, examine the possibility of) The Third Solution?

1 comment:

  1. For the third option to be successful and not ruin the friendship both parties need to be extremely mature:
    - The one pointing out this mistake needs to do it in a constructive way, and in a manner so as not to offend the other party or hurt their pride
    - The one who made the mistake should 'want to know' about the mistake and be able to take criticism as the majority of people 'don't want to know'.
